“This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Poise, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #poiseatkroger http://my-disclosur.es/OBsstV”
Everyone tells you your body changes after you have kids, and boy does it! But what they don’t tell you is that doing the things you used to do may now come with a side of bladder leakage. Leaving you feeling less confident and avoiding the things you love, like working out, running, and even yoga. It’s time to find yourself again with help from Poise.

After I had my first child, everything changed. Not just my life, but my body too. Everything was different and it took me a long time to get back to feeling "normal" again. I am not sure I can even say normal when it comes to my body after having a baby. However, after having my second baby, I was stunned to find out just how much more my body could even withstand. Things that was still intact the first go around, were not spared this second time. That includes my bladder!
I always considered myself having a small bladder and having to run to the restroom often. But, boy was I in for a shock the condition baby number two left it in. Sneezing, laughing, and even walking caused slight bladder leakage and became a bit embarrassing. I stopped attending my daily mommy and me workouts because I felt uncomfortable and self conscience about what could happen while out.

Fast forward 7 years. Yes, 7 years!! Time flies when your having fun. You would think your body issues would have healed themselves by now, but you would be wrong. Someone shouldn't have to suffer with bladder leakage for this long. I avoided doing the things I loved for far too long. So, finally I wised up and picked up Poise Thin Shape Moderate Pads from Kroger and I don't know why it took me so long to do so. I pulled out my shoes and hit my yoga mat, again, for the first time in years!

I knew with the help from Poise Thin Shape Moderate Pads I had nothing to worry about. I can bend and stretch and perfect my downward dog without feeling nervous about my weak bladder. I had the protection I needed and you can to with this great offer, “Click here to save $1.00 on any Poise Liner or Pad, 30-66ct at Kroger until March 13, while supplies last.”

Now I can enjoy the freedom of hitting the yoga mat, the bike trail, or just enjoying an afternoon in the backyard jumping on the trampoline with my boys. Let's face it, there is nothing better then seeing the smiling faces of your little ones looking back at you having fun. I wouldn't miss it for the world and now I don't have to.

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